Polycycle – A recycled polyester yarn by AYM Syntex Limited

Polycycle – A recycled polyester yarn by AYM Syntex Limited

Nature is a miracle we depend upon and growing concerns about sustainability have increased awareness and the usage of recycled material. A recent research shows that packaged drinking water bottle has the following implications: Packaged drinking water bottle takes 1000 years to biodegrade and if incinerated produces toxic fumes. Packaged drinking water bottle generates 121…

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Embrace is a continuous textured twisted thread made of 100% Nylon.

Embrace – A Nylon 6 Textured Yarn

Nylon yarns are well known for their tensile strength, versatility, high elasticity compared to other materials. AYM Syntex Limited is proud to introduce another innovative Nylon 6 textured twisted thread called Embrace. (100% Nylon 6- Textured/ 160-200-300) Embrace is a continuous textured twisted thread made of 100% Nylon. Its textured filaments make the thread ultra-soft to touch….

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Comfeel” a synthetic textured performance yarn by AYM Syntex limited

Comfeel – Feel The Comfort! A Revolutionary Yarn Innovation By AYM Syntex Limited.

In today’s world of textiles,  the quality of your innovation can either make or break your company reputation.  In-house innovation & creativity are the skills that matter most when it comes to establishing a meaningful change in the existing trend.  Those who initiate the change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that…

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